| the great war World War 1 .... and Washington
This page was made with original databases created by the volunteers at 3rd St. Book Exchange's "Free Genealogy Library"
and the many Links available on WWW. Source material is clearly credited. |
Original DataBases
Selected Biographies from Lewis County
Some of the biographies are very descriptive and some have more detail then the rest, I have selected a few (Like usual, there is more left unsaid).
Dwight J. Murray, descriptive battles
Charles Alonza Shaner, life at Camp Mills NY
Earl D. Bell, survive being shelled
William Leslie Brown, fighting in no-man's-land
Harold C.Caverley, from his letters... the boche sniper
Carl R. Caverley, Signal Corp
Herbert Benjamin, his diary... Atlantic voyage and Army of Occupation
Lewis Allen Curry, shipwrecks
Lieut. C. F. Buchanan, resigned non-combantant post to become private so he could fight
Capt. Lloyd Butler Dysart, his leadership
Capt. Captain David Livingstone, Captain of Company M
Warren O. Grimm, football hero to Centralia leader
Arthur Eastman, first boy to enlist
James Wilson Evans prisoner of war
Robert B. Fallon, military recruiter
Sgt. James L., Foss, motorcycle riders
Sgt Russell Hodge, daring spirit
William Grant Hodge, hospital shelled
Sgt. Leslie E. Hughes, volunteer
Glen C. Hunter, King Albert and Queen Elizabeth
Wesley P. Kerr, convoy duty
David L. Ruff, shipwreck
Harry R. Truman, sinking of Tuscania
Gail Hamilton Steinberger, disappearance of collier Cyclops
John A. MacDonald, his diary the work of Remount Companies
Sgt. A. C. Livingston, he served with the Canadian forces.
Elmer McPherson, taking the town of Gsnes
Lieut. Elmer J. Noble, won medal from bravery
Leon Palmer,death from influenza
William Theodore Mullaney, shell shock case
Leo V. Miller, descriptive burial
Harold English military funeral
Edwin K. Palmer, young man quote about end of war
Herbert I. Parish, lost his leg
Sgt. Earnest T. Reynolds, being a corporal isn' fun
Sgt. Elden W. Roberts, quote about gripping in the army
Fred Martin Stoner, 91st Division
Earnest W. Teachnor parents duty
John Earl Watt, excellent description of building of American Cemeteries in France
George Wirsdorfer, based on his diary: disease and wire laying
Military Bases
American Defense Forts
Alphabetical List of Forts
Military Forts Fort Casey and Fort Flagler, located across from each other at the northern end of Puget Sound
Fort Casey WA
Admiralty Head Lighthouse
Admiralty Head Lighthouse The Original Lighthouse at Admiralty Head began service in 1861 and was the first wooden lighthouse in the Washington Territory.
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve
Ebey Historical Reserve
Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve
Mickey Clark
Fred and Penny's Home Page long wait for many pictures...of old cars
Fort Flagler
4th Battalion, 3d Air Defense Artillery
Camp Lewis
from the collection of R. Gess Smith
My Decoration Page More Ft Lewis picture from the collection of R. Gess Smith
Fort Lewis
African American Soldiers From the Spanish American War to 1917
Fort Worden WA
Private William 'Willem' Breukel
Fort Worden history
Fort Worden State Park with current map.
Fort Worden Historic District
Vancouver Barracks
150 years at Vancouver Barracks Clark County Historical Society
Libby MT Men who served in the Army or Navy
14th Infantry Regiment Golden Dragons
Base Realignment and Closure: a Historical Perspective.
Ghosts, Critters and Sacred Places of Washington and Oregon
Military Maps
Grant in California
Dr. John McLoughlin
George Henry Decker
Olympic National Park
First Washington Infantry U.S.V., Records 1899
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
588 Engineer Battalion Alumni Website ...this is a listing of the 41 U. S. Army Engineer Battalions active as of 31 Jul 1997.
Guard Shack 20th Engr Regt ...This 18,500 man Regiment came from the American Forest Industry from Coast to Coast...
Field Artillery
15th Field Artillery Regiment: Indianheads...During July-October 1918, the Regiment supported the 2nd Infantry Division in operations in Soissons, Marbache, and Champagne.
2nd attalion 12th Infantry Regiment
7th Inf. Division (Mechanized)
Spruce Squadron
First World War Images
Getz Genealogy... with a Spruce Squadron service man.
Roll of Tobacco Plains MT Men Who served in Army or Navy
Pearson Field Clark County Historical Society
Biography and Lists
Ross Floyd Martin
honker's List of Vets
Dillon Genealogy
TRADOC Pam 25-50 Addressee trouble reading this page read the source.
United States
Military service records are kept by the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) which is
under the jurisdiction of the National Archives and Records Administration.
To request military service records, complete
Standard Form 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records. Fill
in as much information as possible and send it to the correct address listed
on the form by U.S. mail. Please note that it may take up to six months for
a reply from NPRC after your written request is received.
You can order actual service records or better still pension records. Pensions for military service were requested either by the soldier or by his dependents after his death.
Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration's Web Site
National Personnel Records Center
WWI Draft Registrations at Rootsweb
World War One Inductees from Knox County, Nebraska
Country History
An Excellent Resource page
World War One Document Archive
Propaganda Postcards of the Great War.
Art of the First World War
Paul's Militaria Collection
World War One Songs
World War One Aviation Links
Duane's Militaria Page
Preserve History
WW1 Sites and Links to Other Resources
Individual Diaries and Letters
Letters from the Great War
Brett Oliver's Family History Site
Death on the Wind: Gas Warfare
Gas: Chemical Warfare
Tanks of WW1
Kelley's German Sword Identification
Dept of Veterans Affairs
Living History
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